They say that habits take 21 days before they stick, so these last few weeks at home are a great excuse to add a few steps to your routine that you want to keep up.

1. Keep a consistent workout schedule. You might have a little more flexibility now than usual but instead of letting it throw off your schedule, take advantage and carve out time for a good workout. If you stick to the same time every day, you’re more likely to keep it up.

2. Start or stick to a skincare routine. If you’re like me, you’re not thinking about skin care but the sooner you start, the better. I’ve been using Olay’s Wrinkle Correction Serum with B3 + Peptides which helps with wrinkles by replenishing your natural collagen. Just add a few drops after you wash your face. Like working out, the more consistently you do it the quicker you’ll see results, and then you’ll be even more motivated to keep it up. (For even more motivation, take a before and after a few weeks apart to be able to see the results.) Olay just announced new no retouching guidelines so you can be assured that all the content in this post showcases my real authentic skin.

3. Stay hydrated. We’ve all heard 1000 times that we should be drinking more water. No matter how many times we hear it, it doesn’t get any easier to remember to do it. Set a goal to drink 4 glasses of water everyday before noon. Once you get in the habit, it will be easier to keep up.

For a few other ideas, you can set aside time to read more, learn something new, start meditating, or start working on that business plan you’ve been putting off. What are some things you guys have been adding to your routine lately?

Thanks for stopping by.

| CODY |