Pastel Thrifted
I got this collared blouse a couple weeks ago for $1.25 at a second hand store. They have so many old school pastel color tops right now. Check out your 2nd hand stores sometimes they have the best finds!
Blouse: Thrifted $1.25
Sweater: J. Crew
Jeans: AG Jeans
Boots: Miz Mooz
Accessories: J. Crew Factory, H&M, & gifted
obsessed with those boots!
Thanks Alex! There so comfortable too. There a couple seasons old but I think you can still order them online.
OMG!!! LOVE this look!!! And you can just send those boots my way…thanks. 🙂
Thanks Bridget! There on the way 🙂
Love your outfit! <3
i adore this outfit !!!
Thanks everyone love the feedback 🙂