This year has been about embracing new things and living in the moment. I wouldn’t say as much a New Year’s resolution as a change in perspective. We have a hectic life, but my husband and I both have a short attention span, so chaos fits us well. A couple years ago, when we first met, we wrote out our bucket list, things we wanted to do before we die. I was doing a deep clean and found our list [my husband’s sentimental and keeps everything, I love it]. One of the big ones on the list was floor seats to a Laker’s game. The Heat have probably become more of his favorite team since we wrote the list so a match up against the two was perfect. I was so excited to surprise him, and it didn’t disappoint. 

[laker nation – go heat]


[marky mark – crushhhhhh]

[best of the best]

 [gabrielle union]

[lebron threw us his cup!]
You could literally hear everything the players were saying [most of the time cussing out the other team or making up nicknames for them], but it was just a whole different perspective of the game. Cody was in heaven. I tried not to be the creeper snapping pictures of everyone…. we saw Jack Nicholson, Hillary Duff, Queen Latifah, Andy Garcia, Ellen Pompeo, Wayne Brothers, Pat Riley, Floyd Mayweather, and a couple others walked right by us. We got to meet Mark Wahlberg and Gabrielle Union. 
One of the most fun nights ever!
Have you made a bucketlist? 
Which one are you most excited about?

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  1. This is seriously a dream come true for me! You are amazing that you did this for your husband! He’s going to owe you forever 🙂

  2. This is awesome!! One of my bucketlist items is to sit front row at Fashion Week! It will happen…

  3. ahh that is so awesome!!!
    i think you easily get awesome wife points for that one 🙂 and you two are so cute!

    The DayLee Journal

  4. what a seriously fun post! cracking up that you got lebron’s cup!!


  5. What a SUPER fun experience! I’ve sat in floor seats at an NBA game and its so great, but I didn’t have the extra cool factor with the celebs…jealous!


  6. Awwww so sweeeeet! <3 Anyway, would you like to follow each other?? just let me know! I’ll follow back. PROMISE :)thanks in advance! x

    Blog: The Sassy Theory

  7. Great seats and great pictures with your hubby! Have a great weekend!

    If you get a sec, check out my latest post… ‘Gingham Peplum’.
    I would love to hear what you think of it.


  8. Sounds amazing! How the heck did you score courtside seats?! Wish I would have known you were in town – are you coming back for LuckyFABB? Would love to actually meet you face-to-face!
    Nikki at

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