Lavender Fields

lavender fields hello fashion

messy hair

hello fashion blog lavender fields

christine andrew blog

lavender field shoot

mother and son

mama and son

lavender fields utah hello fashion


I think this was one of my favorite shoots simply because I thought there was no way the pictures were going to turn out. I got held up finishing another shoot in Salt Lake until 8pm and it’s an hour and half drive to the Lavender Fields. Sunset was at 9:08 so I arrived in the dark. I almost turned around half way because I knew there was no way I would make it in time, but it was the last day they had it available before they harvested the lavender and I had been waiting weeks to go!

I got there around 9:20 and it was already dark. We shined our head lights on the field hoping to create some sort of light in hopes we could maybe get one good shot. I roamed through the fields bare foot as a storm rolled in, the wind was howling and a gorgeous thunderstorm behind the mountains lit up the night sky (don’t worry it was far far away so we weren’t in any danger). It felt like a scene from a movie. We literally shot these in 10-15 minutes before it started pouring rain and we ran to the car drenched! I was so excited when I got the pictures back to see so many had turned out (Emmy is amazing!). It was a magical few minutes in the fields, but I’m so bummed I didn’t get to spend more time there. I can’t wait to go back next year and really enjoy its beauty!


*Photos by Emmy Lowe

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54 thoughts on “Lavender Fields

  1. What beautiful pictures! I never would’ve guessed they were taken so late at night!


  2. These are absolutely gorgeous shots and you did a fab job in only 10-15 minutes! Hopefully next time you can take it a bit slower and enjoy all the lavender.

    Megan || Oh Hey! blog